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A complete guide to insurance email marketing

By Stacy Kimbell

April 19, 2024

A recent report shows that the average email open rate is 31.71% in the insurance sector. This shows that insurance email marketing remains a powerful way to connect. 

How do you integrate this type of marketing into your strategy? 

In this comprehensive guide, we’re here to help you get started. We’ll discuss strategies for creating an effective insurance email marketing campaign.

Key challenges in insurance email marketing

Marketers should be aware of the unique challenges in email marketing for insurance. These challenges can negatively impact the overall success of marketing activities. 

Some of the common challenges faced in insurance email marketing include:

  • Deliverability issues: These issues are common in email marketing for insurance agents. Getting emails to reach recipients’ inboxes instead of spam folders is quite challenging.

This can happen for a few reasons. One reason is that your emails are too sales-y or generic. 

To improve deliverability, you’ll need to focus on permission-based email lists. The ideal insurance agent’s email list is where interested people sign up to hear from you. 

Also, focus on providing helpful information, not just pushing a sale. You’ll need to craft clear subject lines that effectively reflect the email content.   

  • Navigating regulatory landscape: The insurance industry is subject to stringent regulations. To guarantee compliance, you need to double-check your marketing strategies.

One of the crucial requirements is to keep customer information safe. Also, customer consent is important. Set up opt-in procedures to ensure that customers agree to receive your emails.

Also, make it easy for subscribers to unsubscribe if they don’t want to receive emails anymore.

  • Email click-through rates: Even if recipients open your emails, getting them to click on links and engage with the content can be a challenge. 

To address this challenge, you can personalize your emails. Segment your audience and tailor your content to their specific needs and interests. This can make your emails more relevant and increase the chance people will click.

Also, invest in compelling CTAs. Tell your recipients exactly what you want them to click on. Use clear and action-oriented language.

Designing impactful email campaigns for insurance clients

Crafting effective email campaigns requires some strategy. You need to strike a balance of informative, engaging, and persuasive elements. 

Here, we’ll explore strategies for crafting clear, concise, and valuable messages. We’ll also share real-world email examples to inspire your next campaign. 

Source: Pinterest

Crafting compelling content

Creating engaging and informative insurance email marketing content goes beyond writing copy. 

Understanding your audience and creating content that adds value to them is important. Here are some tips on how to craft compelling and valuable email content:

  • Know your audience: Tailor your content to their interests and needs. What problems do they face? What information are they looking for?
  • Personalize your message: A generic greeting like “Dear Customer” feels impersonal. Use the recipient’s name whenever possible. You can also leverage localized content and personalized recommendations. 
  • Offer solutions: Position your email as a helpful resource. Address your audience’s pain points. Provide solutions through insightful advice or your products/services.
  • Keep it concise: Nobody likes reading long emails. Get straight to the point and avoid long-winded explanations. You can also use bullet points and numbered lists to improve readability.

Also, include visuals like images or videos to break up text and make your emails appealing.

  • End with a clear CTA: What do you want the recipient to do after reading your email? Create clear and direct CTAs.

Insurance email examples

Let’s look at some email samples for effective insurance email marketing.

Welcome emails

Welcome emails are the first emails sent to new subscribers or customers. They set the tone of your relationship with new customers. They’re also a great way to introduce your brand if you haven’t already. 

In your welcome email, thank the customer for choosing your company and personalize it with the customer’s name. 

Welcome emails can also explain your company’s mission and values. They may also highlight the benefits of your products and services.

This email by Plum is a good example of a welcome email for insurance email marketing. Notice how the sender introduces themselves to foster a sense of trust and credibility.

The email also highlights how Plum stands out from traditional health insurance firms.

Image via Really Good Emails

Policy renewal reminders

These emails are sent a few days before a customer’s policy renewal. Policy renewal reminder emails provide customers with ample time to review their plans, ensuring renewals and preventing policy lapses.

They often include a summary of the policy details. They may also add a clear CTA to renew or update information. 

They could also include any relevant deadlines or incentives for early renewal. Lastly, they may provide easy renewal options or contact information for help.

Educational content series

These are emails designed to teach subscribers something new about a particular topic.

Insurance can be a complex topic. Your educational content series should offer clear, concise explanations of various insurance topics. This can help position your brand as a reliable source of information in the industry. 

This can build trust with potential customers who may be unfamiliar with the intricacies of insurance.

Use these email series to answer common insurance-related concerns and questions. This can help your audience make informed decisions about their insurance coverage.  

Maintain a consistent schedule. This helps improve open rate and brand recognition. Also, make sure the topics are relevant to your customer base. 

Use visuals or infographics to enhance comprehension. Encourage feedback or questions from recipients to foster engagement.

See a good example of an educational content email by Mindbloom. This email provides recipients with useful information about therapy and insurance coverage. 

The email is effective because it’s concise and doesn’t overwhelm readers with technical details. It also includes more relevant resources without cluttering the main message.

Image via Really Good Emails

Post-purchase emails

Send this email after a customer has completed a transaction. 

You can include a thank-you message to the customer for choosing your company. You can also include some product or service details and offer guidance on its usage.

Lastly, you can request feedback. This helps you understand a customer’s experience and identify areas for improvement.     

Seasonal emails

Seasonal emails are themed around holidays, events, or specific times of the year. You can use them to promote timed or seasonal insurance products or services. 

When creating seasonal emails, align the message with the current season or holiday. 

You can offer limited-time discounts or promotions to incentivize action. You can also use engaging visuals to evoke the season’s spirit and capture your recipient’s interest.

See the seasonal email example below by SoFi. The timeliness of this insurance email example helps it stand out.

It was sent ahead of National Insurance Awareness Day. This allowed the company to capitalize on the anticipation leading up to the event.

The email also used the acronym “IYKYK” in the subject line which stands for “if you know, you know.” This helps recipients want to know more about NIAD if they’re not already familiar.

Image via Really Good Emails

Product recommendation emails

With these emails, you can make personalized recommendations based on customer behavior and purchase history. They can nudge customers towards more purchases.

To pique your recipient’s curiosity, go beyond personalizing these emails. Use concise descriptions and highlight product benefits.

Lastly, make it easy for customers to take the next step with clear CTAs like “Shop Now” or “Learn More.” 

Strategies for optimizing email engagement

Optimizing email engagement can lead to an increased open rate and conversion rate. Here are some key strategies that can boost your email engagement: 

Personalization and segmentation

Personalization involves customizing content to suit the preferences and interests of individual recipients. 

It goes beyond addressing someone by their first name. It involves delivering content that resonates with the recipient on a personal level. 

Segmentation involves dividing your email list into smaller groups based on shared characteristics. 

These characteristics can include demographics, purchase history, or any other relevant data point. 

By segmenting your list, you can ensure that your emails are targeted to the right people. Here are attributes you can use to categorize recipients: 

  • Purchase history: Recommend products to previous buyers based on purchase history. You can also offer exclusive discounts to high-value customers.
  • Demographics: Tailor the content and tone of your emails to resonate with different customer segments. 
  • Interests: Use website behavior data to personalize emails based on customer interests.

Measuring success and iteration

Optimizing your email campaigns requires ongoing measurement and refinement. 

By tracking key metrics, you can understand what resonates with your audience. This can help you improve your email engagement strategy. 

Some key metrics you can track for your insurance email marketing campaign include:

  • Open rate: This measures the percentage of recipients who open your email. A healthy open rate shows that you have attention-grabbing subject lines.
  • Click-through rate (CTR): This metric indicates the percentage of people who clicked on a link within your email. A high CTR suggests your email content is relevant and compels readers to take action. 
  • Conversion rate: This involves the percentage of recipients who completed your desired action. 

This can include policy renewals, cross-selling, submitting online applications, booking an appointment, and purchasing a policy. The conversion rate is dependent on your CTA and overall campaign strategy.

With insights on these metrics, you can A/B test your email campaigns.

Test different versions of subject lines, email layouts, and CTAs. See what resonates best with your audience. Then, refine your email strategy to improve engagement.

Grow your email list as an insurance agency

Growing your email list is essential for acquiring and nurturing leads. Your insurance agent’s email list serves as a direct line to potential customers.

Here are some methods for growing your email list:

  • Website opt-in forms: Provide several avenues for collecting a prospect’s email address.

A specialized landing page may be useful. Place a clear and concise signup form on this page. 

Furthermore, add signup widgets to high-traffic sections of your website. This includes the FAQ, blog, about page, and home page.

Regardless of where a lead lands on your website, make it simple for them to subscribe to your mailing list.

Clearly state what kind of content subscribers will get and how often they will receive them.

  • Lead magnets: A lead magnet is a valuable offer you provide to potential leads in exchange for their email addresses. This could include downloadable guides, whitepapers, or webinars. These can cover topics relevant to your audience’s needs.

You can also consider offering special promotions or discounts to incentivize signups.

The key is to provide something that directly addresses your target audience’s pain points and makes them feel like they’re getting something worthwhile. 

You can begin an email drip campaign when someone downloads your lead magnet, offering them useful content and nudging them in the direction of your insurance offerings.

Best practices for insurance email marketing success

Insurance email marketing campaigns can attract and keep customers when executed properly.

Here are some best practices to follow to help with your overall email marketing success: 

Ensuring legal compliance

The insurance industry is heavily regulated, and email marketing is no exception. Familiarize yourself with data protection and anti-spam laws like CAN-SPAM in the US.  

Before sending emails, get explicit consent through opt-in options. Provide easy and clear opt-out options too. These measures can protect your business and build trust with your audience as well.

Maintaining high deliverability

A high deliverability rate means your messages land in the intended inboxes. To achieve this, keep your email list clean. You can do so by removing invalid and unsubscribed email addresses. 

Also, use email authentication methods like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC to verify your ID and prevent scammers from spoofing your address. 

Additionally, create relevant content to reduce the likelihood of being marked as spam.

Understanding your audience

Effective email marketing hinges on running campaigns relevant to your subscribers. 

Identify your customer’s challenges and interests. Segment your email list based on customer data. Then, tailor your message to address their needs and provide relatable content. 

Leveraging automation wisely

Streamline your workflow by automating your email campaign. This also ensures timely communication with subscribers.

The key lies in identifying repetitive tasks that you can automate. This can include email campaigns like welcome emails, policy renewal reminders, and educational drip campaigns

Also, personalize automated emails based on customer data to ensure relevant communication. 

Performing tests

Continuous testing is crucial for success in insurance email marketing.  

You must analyze campaign data to identify ineffective areas and refine your strategy. Use A/B testing to compare different elements of your emails to determine what resonates best with your audience.

With these insights, you can make data-driven decisions to enhance the performance of your email campaigns.

Building lasting relationships

Shift your focus from relentless promotion to providing genuine value. Offer informative content to educate your subscribers. 

Additionally, email marketing for insurance agencies shouldn’t be a one-way street. You can encourage replies and inquiries by incorporating surveys, polls, and feedback mechanisms. 

Also, address concerns and questions from your subscribers. This can show them your commitment to customer service.

Wrap up

Insurance email marketing involves a multifaceted approach. It blends informative content with strategic engagement tactics. 

You’ll have to maneuver through the common challenges, design impactful campaigns, strategize for optimal engagement, grow your email list, and keep best practices in mind. 

With these strategies, you can develop engaging email marketing campaigns that drive results.

Stacy Kimbell
Co-founder & Chief Editor
Stacy Kimbell has nine years of experience in email marketing. She's worked with different email platforms and created many successful email campaigns for online and offline, well-established as well as family businesses. Stacy is excited to share her expertise with readers.

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