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  • Guide to waitlist emails: tips and templates

Guide to waitlist emails: tips and templates

By Stacy Kimbell

March 22, 2024

This guide tackles subscriber abandonment head-on. Learn to craft irresistible waitlist email updates that spark joy, excitement, and loyalty among your audience.

Waitlists don’t have to be boring. With the right messaging, you can build serious buzz and bank major revenue – even before your official launch!

In this guide you’ll discover how to:

  • Hook subscribers with irresistible subject lines
  • Maintain excitement with compelling email content
  • Drive conversions with strategic launch offers
  • Win back lost subscribers and prevent abandonment
  • Measure performance and fine-tune your strategy

Everything you need to engage, retain and convert pre-launch audiences into loyal brand advocates. Let’s get started!

How to write a waitlist email

Are you struggling to make your waitlist email stand out? Follow these expert tips to craft a message that resonates with your readers and drives action.

Start with a clear waitlist email subject line

The subject line is the first thing recipients see when they receive your waitlist email, so it’s crucial to make it compelling and concise. A clear subject line not only grabs attention but also sets the tone for the rest of your email and impacts how many people will open it.

Consider using subject lines that create anticipation, such as “Don’t Miss Out on Exclusive Early Access” or “Get Ready for Something Big!”

Experiment with different subject lines to optimize your email campaigns, and don’t forget to A/B test to identify the top-performing options.

Personalize the greeting

A good way to connect with your recipients is using their name in the email greeting. This shows you value them as individuals.

It’s also important to pick a greeting that matches their communication style. To make your message more personalized, use social media cues or AI.

Customizing greetings will enhance the email experience and engagement.

Express gratitude

To make your waitlist email personal and heartfelt, show gratitude and start by thanking the person for waiting. Let the recipients know that you appreciate their patience and dedication.

Also, thank them for any referrals they may have made.

Provide context

If you’re sending a waitlist email, give your subscribers an idea of what’s happening. For example, tell them where they are on the list.

Keep them informed and interested by giving updates about the product launch.

You can even share stories or scores to build anticipation. Including waitlist examples can help people understand where they are in the queue.

waitlist email example by Highrack studios

Image via Milled

Offer exclusive insights or benefits

If you have waitlisted people, give them unique insights or benefits that others don’t get, share useful details about your product, event, or service, give early access or a sneak peek into future features, etc. Let’s take a look at a few examples:

  • Access to a private webinar with industry experts
  • Exclusive product demo videos
  • Priority customer support for waitlist members

Include a call to action

Every waitlist email should include a clear and compelling call to action to prompt recipients to take the desired action. Encourage them to engage with your brand, whether it’s by signing up for a referral program, following you on social media, or taking advantage of early access offers.

Craft a persuasive message that motivates recipients to click, reply, or share their interest. Consider providing a waitlist email template to make the process easier for your recipients, and use persuasive language to inspire action.

Follow up strategically

Planning a follow-up strategy is crucial to nurturing relationships with waitlisted individuals. Implement a well-thought-out follow-up sequence to maintain consistent communication and keep them engaged.

Utilize waitlist email follow-up examples to guide your strategic emails, ensuring they provide value and encourage recipients to take action.

Test and optimize

Never settle for a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to waitlist emails. A/B test different elements, from subject lines to email addresses, to optimize performance.

Leverage data-driven insights to refine and optimize your waitlist email content. Implement email waitlist tests to enhance engagement and conversion rates.

Tailoring waitlist emails for different occasions

The messaging and design of your waitlist emails should align with the specific offering, whether it’s a product launch, service rollout, or event registration:

  • For product launches, focus on building excitement by highlighting key features and innovations. Use dynamic imagery of the product and testimonials to create anticipation. Inform subscribers when they can expect access or pre-ordering options.


waitlist email example by Brandefy

Image via Milled

  • With service waitlists, emphasize the value proposition and benefits customers will experience. Provide updates on service availability and estimated access dates to set proper expectations. Offer relevant educational content or free tools to nurture leads in the meantime.

Waitlist email example by Pitch

Image via ReallyGoodEmails

  • For events, create urgency and FOMO by showcasing speakers, making announcements, or spotlighting past attendee testimonials. Share event logistics updates and tips for preparing for the experience. Consider early registration incentives to encourage quicker sign-ups when the time comes.

The core engagement principles remain the same across contexts, but adapting messaging and design for the specific offering makes the communication more relevant and drives greater interest.

Waitlist Email Template Examples

To help you get started with crafting your waitlist emails, here are a few waitlist email templates and examples:

Welcome Email

Subject: Thanks for joining our waitlist!

Preview text: Welcome aboard! We’re thrilled you signed up for our waitlist.

Hi [Name],

Thank you for joining the waitlist for [Product/Service/Event Name]! We’re excited to offer [brief description of offering] and are working diligently to prepare for launch.

In the meantime, we’ll keep you updated on our progress and share exclusive content with our waitlist subscribers. Be on the lookout for special discounts and early access opportunities as well.

Please let us know if you have any questions in the meantime – we’re happy to help! We deeply appreciate your interest and look forward to the day we can officially welcome you as a [Product/Service/Event] member.

Thanks, [Your Name] [Company Name]

Waitlist Update Email

Subject: Your waitlist update is here!

Preview text: Just wanted to keep you in the loop on our timeline!

Hi [Name],

We wanted to provide a quick update on the status of [Product/Service/Event Name] and your place on the waitlist. Given the incredible demand, we are working diligently to increase our capacity before launch.

At this time, your estimated wait time is approximately [1-2 months/quarters/years]. We know the wait can be difficult, but please be assured you have a spot reserved for the [date/season/year] launch.

In the coming weeks, we will share more details on exact availability and access dates. In the meantime, please enjoy [free guide/discount/content] as a token of our appreciation for your patience.

Thanks again for your interest! Let us know if you have any other questions.

Best regards, [Your name]

Exclusive Content Email

Subject: Exclusive content for our waitlist subscribers

Preview text: Check out this free guide for our waitlist only!

Hi [Name],

Here is an exclusive gift for being a part of our waitlist! We created this [free guide/cheat sheet/checklist/ebook/other asset] to provide value as you wait for [Product/Service/Event] to launch.

[Brief description of content and how it ties to the offering or relates to the waitlist.]

We hope you find this resource helpful and enjoyable. Let us know if you have any other topics you’d like us to cover in future waitlist content. We aim to keep you informed and engaged throughout the entire process.

Enjoy! And thanks again for your patience.

Best wishes,

[Your name]

Pre-Launch Email

Subject: It’s almost here! Final details for [Product/Service/Event] launch

Preview text: The launch is right around the corner! Here are the last few updates you need to know.

Hi [Name],

We are thrilled to announce that the official launch date for [Product/Service/Event Name] is almost here! As one of our earliest waitlist subscribers, we wanted to provide you with the final details:

Launch date: [date]

How to order/register: [Details]

Early access dates: [Details, if applicable]

Pricing: [Pricing and any discounts]

We cannot thank you enough for your amazing support and patience over these past few [weeks/months/years]. As a valued waitlist member, you will receive [discount/bonus/gift] upon signing up through [date].

Let us know if you have any other questions before launch day! We look forward to delivering [Product/Service/Event] that we know will bring you tremendous value.


[Your name]

Post-Launch Email

Subject: It’s here! [Product/Service] has arrived

Preview text: The wait is over! [Product/Service/Event] is now live – claim your spot today.

Hi [Name],

The big day has finally come! We are thrilled to announce that [Product/Service/Event Name] is now officially launched and available!

As one of the first to join our waitlist, you have priority access to claim your spot by [date]. Don’t miss this chance to get in on the ground floor.

To secure your [membership/access/ticket], simply visit: [link]

Use code [Discount code] at the checkout.

We greatly appreciate your excitement and patience over these past few [days/weeks/months]. Please let us know if you have any questions during the signup process.

Welcome aboard! We can’t wait for you to experience [Product/Service/Event Name] and look forward to your feedback.

Thank you again,

[Your name]

Hope you learned something valuable from these waitlist message samples. Use them as a starting point when writing a waitlist email and you’re unsure how to begin..

Waitlist Email Subject Lines

Subject lines are important in waitlist emails. Your subject lines must be engaging, creative, and compelling to increase open rates. Creating subject lines that generate a sense of urgency and exclusivity will prompt recipients to open your email.

Make sure your subject lines match the email’s content and message you want to deliver. Be creative, relevant, and use your brand’s voice to increase engagement and boost conversions.

Check out our suggestions:

  • 🎆 You’re In! A Spot Just Opened Up for You 
  • Exclusive Update: Your Waitlist Status Has Changed!
  • Get Ready, You’re Next in Line!
  • Welcome Aboard! Your Wait is Over
  • Your Access Awaits: Time to Step Inside 🙌
  • Exciting News: You’ve Moved Up the Waitlist!
  • Your Waitlist Patience is About to Pay Off
  • Just In: Your Spot is Ready!
  • ✨It’s Your Turn: Join Us Now! ✨
  • You’re Invited: Exclusive Access Granted

Waitlist emails: Conclusion

Crafting an effective waitlist email requires attention to detail and personalization. Begin  with a clear subject line and greeting, express gratitude, and provide context.

This creates exclusivity and anticipation for your audience. Setting expectations and offering benefits enhance the value of being on the waitlist.

Include a call to action to encourage recipients to take the desired action. Follow up strategically, test, and optimize waitlist emails to maximize effectiveness.

With thoughtful customization, waitlist emails can generate excitement and engagement for your upcoming launch.

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Stacy Kimbell
Co-founder & Chief Editor
Stacy Kimbell has nine years of experience in email marketing. She's worked with different email platforms and created many successful email campaigns for online and offline, well-established as well as family businesses. Stacy is excited to share her expertise with readers.

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