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  • Nine best email marketing agencies in 2024

Nine best email marketing agencies in 2024

By Luciano Viterale

February 27, 2024

Email marketing is one of the most sought-after digital marketing services.

And it’s no surprise why. 

With a 40:1 return on investment, most companies should have their email marketing strategy and/or an email marketing agency to increase the effectiveness of their marketing budget.

However, there are various types of email marketing. Some agencies specialize in traditional email marketing (email newsletters or marketing automation) while others handle cold email marketing, for example,outbound emails and  cold prospects).

In this article, I’ll cover all types of email agencies so you can make an informed decision and start generating more revenue today!

Let’s get started.

How to choose the right email marketing agency for your business

Before we get into the list you’ll want to know how to find the right email marketing agency for your business. It requires careful consideration of several factors. 

Everything from your budget to the industry you operate in will impact the agency that’s best suited for your needs. Here are the most important factors to consider when choosing an email marketing agency:

  • Your end goal: Start by getting clear on what you want to achieve by working with an email marketing agency. 
  • Service offering: Some agencies work on a retainer, while others work on sprints. You’ll need to figure out which arrangement works best for your business. 
  • Pricing: Your budget will guide the type of pricing and pricing model that suits your needs. 
  • Portfolio and case studies: Before working with an agency you’ll want to confirm they have relevant and recent case studies that reflect their capabilities. 
  • Scalability: If your goal is to scale be sure to understand whether or not the agency you’re working with can handle these requirements. 
  • Contract terms: Not all agencies have flexible terms, make sure you understand the type of contract you’re getting into. 

9 best email marketing agencies for results in 2024

Best for cold emailing prospects to book meetings.

Email and Scale homepage

Email and Scale is a well-rounded email marketing agency that focuses on two core services. The first is traditional email marketing (i.e. inbound marketing) and the second is cold email marketing (i.e. lead generation). SaaS and service-based companies would benefit most from working with Email and Scale.

They particularly specialize in cold email marketing to help these businesses generate leads and close deals. They do this by learning everything about your business and ideal customer. From here they build a highly targeted list of prospects and craft emails that get genuine responses. 

Best for B2B SaaS companies.

Nerdy Joe homepage


Nerdy Joe is a high-performing lead generation agency specifically for B2B SaaS companies. This means they specialize in outbound email marketing (i.e. cold email marketing). Their pricing is relatively straightforward based on the specific service you want.

What separates Nerdy Joe from other agencies is their appointment-setting service. Not only do they craft and send emails on your behalf, they manage the replies and book the meetings with prospects for you. On top of this, you can pay extra for them to create LinkedIn content.

Best for companies that want white glove service.

Luciano Viterale homepage

Luciano Viterale Consulting is a boutique email marketing agency that helps businesses of all industries and sizes improve their email marketing efforts. This includes deliverability audits, email copywriting, and even cold email marketing. The team has it covered. 

If you prefer to work with a small team that can offer a “white glove” service then you should contact Luciano Viterale Consulting. The team will only work with a small batch of clients to ensure results and top-tier service.

Best for eCommerce businesses.

eCommerce boost

As the name suggests, eCommerce Boost is an email marketing agency that supports ecommerce brands to drive more sales without increasing marketing costs. They do this through email and SMS marketing

eCommerce Boost has also been voted a top 1% marketing agency by Mayple, so you’re in good hands. In terms of their tech stack, the focus is on Shopify, Klaviyo, Gleam, OptiMonk, and other various ecommerce-specific platforms. 

Best for enterprise businesses.

Brafton homepage


Brafton is one of the largest digital marketing agencies in the world. They offer services across content marketing, design, SEO, and email marketing. With offices in Sydney, London, Boston, Chicago, and San Francisco you can take confidence that they’ll have enough talent to help your business grow. 

When it comes to email marketing they handle just about everything. This includes full-service email marketing, newsletter management, and even consulting services. Since they have such a large talent pool you can expect to pay a premium for their services which is why they’re best suited for larger companies and enterprise clients. 

Best one-stop shop for email marketing services.

InboxArmy homepage


InboxArmy is another well-established full-service email marketing agency. They’ve positioned themselves as a one-stop shop for all of your email marketing needs. When it comes to email, they’re trusted by 5000+ clients all over the world. Including brands you’re likely familiar with such as P&G, Hasbro, Spotify, and eBay.

If you have a unique use case or work with highly niche software, InboxArm might be a great option. They support over 40 different services like Iterable, Braze, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, and Cordial.

Best for email copywriting.

Chris Orzechowski is the man behind The Email Copywriter. He’s an experienced copywriter with a passion for email marketing and generating predictable revenue for ecommerce brands. The Email Copywriter is also part of the Oryzmedia group which works with a portfolio of 200+ clients and 2,200+ students. 

One thing that separates Chris’s agency from others on this list is that he’s written two best-selling books on email marketing. So if you’re looking for an expert copywriter and ecommerce email marketer I suggest working with Chris. 

Best for businesses that need more than email marketing.

WebFX homepage

WebFX is a household name in the digital marketing space. They’ve generated over $6B worth of revenue for their clients along with 7.8 million leads. This is impressive, even for an agency that’s been around for over 25 years. 

Most of the clients they work with seem happy with their services, which isn’t usually typical of a full-service agency. However, I would recommend working with WebFX if you require more services than just email marketing. 

Best for businesses that want to increase retention and lifetime value.

No Limit Email is an agency that specializes in direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands. They work with over 500 clients, with most of them in the ecommerce space. Their core services include email and SMS campaigns.

You can expect them to conduct comprehensive audits, split test and optimize campaigns and build proven funnels. So if you’re a DTC brand looking to increase customer retention and lifetime value I highly recommend working with No Limit Email.


What is an email marketing agency?

An email marketing agency is a service provider that helps businesses create, execute, and optimize email marketing campaigns to reach their target audience. These agencies often craft compelling email content, manage subscriber lists, and analyze campaign performance.The end goal of an email marketing agency is to leverage email (in all its forms) to generate more revenue for your business.

Do I need to work with an email marketing agency?

The short answer is “no”. Working with an email marketing agency can provide expertise and streamline campaign management. It can also achieve better (and faster) results but it depends on factors like your industry, goals, and resources. It’s possible to achieve success in email marketing independently by dedicating time to strategic planning, understanding your audience, and employing best practices in email campaign execution.

Which tools do email marketing agencies specialize in?

This will depend on the agency, type of email marketing, and industry. Here are some tools based on the type of email marketing:

Is email marketing still profitable?

Email marketing is highly profitable if done correctly. According to Omnisend, you can expect $40 for every $1 invested. This will depend on many factors including your list size, niche, copywriting, offers, products, and the number of emails you send. 

Luciano Viterale
Luciano Viterale
Email & Growth marketing consultant; co-founder of Email and Scale agency
Luciano is an email and growth marketing consultant. He co-founded Email and Scale, a cold email agency, and also launched Ticker Nerd, an investing newsletter that has since been acquired. Luciano holds a Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) degree from The University of Sydney. Now he blogs about email marketing, copywriting, business, and SEO. When he's not working, he's spending time with his dog or spearfishing with his brothers.

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