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19 best ecommerce email examples to take inspiration from

By Stacy Kimbell

December 8, 2023

Ecommerce emails go beyond mere order updates. They serve as a powerful tool for nurturing brand loyalty and boosting sales.

However, consumer expectations of ecommerce communications often anticipate a sales-focused approach. Additionally, the overwhelming volume of ecommerce emails has led to consumer fatigue.

This further highlights the need to select the appropriate email type and content to guarantee effective communication.

In this article, we’ll delve into these very challenges. The post presents 19 email types to consider, along with compelling ecommerce email examples for each.

Let’s dive in.

What is an ecommerce email?

Ecommerce email marketing is a powerful marketing channel online stores use to reach and engage with customers and promote products and services. 

Depending on your goals, you can pick from various ecommerce email options. Choices range from promotional campaigns to automated sequences and transactional messages.

A successful ecommerce email strategy will leverage targeted content, enticing visuals, and strategic timing. Done right, these emails can significantly contribute to the success of online businesses.

Let’s explore 19 real-life ecommerce email examples that spark inspiration.

1. Ecommerce welcome emails

Ecommerce welcome emails greet new subscribers or customers who sign up for email communication. They introduce customers to the brand and its products and offer perks for being part of the community.

These emails are crucial as they set the tone for the brand relationship. Moreover, welcome emails typically have high open rates and help marketers convert subscribers into customers with an incentive. This makes it even more important to craft them correctly.

Blu Atlas grabs new subscribers’ attention with a 10% discount on their initial purchase.

Image via ReallyGoodEmails

Additionally, they intelligently showcase their best-selling products. The email concludes by inviting recipients to participate in a skincare routine quiz. This provides an engaging start to their skincare journey.

2. Abandoned cart emails

Customers might leave their carts due to browser issues, a busy schedule, or finding a better deal elsewhere. However, this isn’t the end.

Sending a few automated abandoned cart emails can re-engage them, reinforcing your brand as their preferred choice. This type of ecommerce email is one of the most effective in terms of the revenue it generates.

This BetterBrand’s abandoned cart email is worth examining.

Image via ReallyGoodEmails

Notice how the cart is easily accessible. Additionally, the brand promotes free shipping for orders over $45. This addresses shipping concerns that often lead to cart abandonment.

3. Browse abandonment emails

Sometimes, visitors may leave your website without adding items to their cart. This could be due to indecision, distractions, or finding alternatives elsewhere.

Through browse abandonment emails, you can showcase viewed products and offer personalized suggestions. This thoughtful approach aims to bring them back to your site.

Take a look at this example from Rael:

Image via ReallyGoodEmails

Rael expresses appreciation for exploring the shop, inviting a return without being pushy. Additionally, it directs you to explore other similar products, enhancing your shopping experience.

4. Flash sale campaigns

Next on our list of ecommerce email marketing examples are flash sale campaigns.

A flash sale spans a brief duration (24-48 hours), offering significant discounts. Thus, flash sale emails fall under promotional emails.

They should be simple yet compelling, attracting even those without prior plans to visit your store. However, to preserve your brand’s value, it’s advisable not to hold a flash sale more than twice a year.

Here’s an excellent example showcasing impactful ecommerce email design:

Image via ReallyGoodEmails

MeUndies employs a straightforward yet effective GIF to capture recipients’ attention. This is coupled with a compelling 20% discount on all products. The email also emphasizes urgency by stating that the offer is valid for only 48 hours.

5. Birthday emails

Celebrating birthdays calls for a personalized touch. These particular emails are crafted to make the recipient feel valued.

Tailored content enhances loyalty, cultivating a meaningful connection with the brand. You can send recipients a heartfelt message, or an exclusive offer to make their day more memorable.

Take a look at the way Asos does this:

Image via Asos.com

The company offers exclusive discounts reserved solely for the recipient. In this case, it’s a straightforward 10% off on all products.

6. Anniversary emails

An anniversary email is very similar to a birthday email. It helps to celebrate the connection between you and the customer.

Here’s an example by Zalando:

Image via Zalando

The brand provides recipients with a personalized story, features products of their choice, and offers a special discount for a new purchase. 

7. Product recommendation emails

Customers value feeling understood, and product recommendation emails effectively cater to this preference.

Let’s say that a customer grabs a pair of jeans from you every year. It would be a nice touch to give them a heads-up about the upcoming purchase.

You can also use these emails to highlight the latest trending products.

Here’s one of the best ecommerce email examples in this regard:

Image via ReallyGoodEmails

Good Eggs utilizes this email to highlight its recently launched products. The clean white background and lively photos make it easy for recipients to check out all the new stuff.

8. Order confirmation emails

Order confirmation emails fall into the category of transactional emails. They are messages sent to customers after they successfully complete a purchase.

They typically include details such as the purchased items, prices, and shipping address. The moment this confirmation appears in customers’ inboxes, it instills confidence in the security of their payment.

In addition to all the necessary information, marketers tend to add something that creates more value or contributes to a business’s reputation. See how Haoma does it.

Image via ReallyGoodEmails

HAOMA Earth’s order confirmation email provides customers with all the details they need about their order.

Additionally, it communicates to recipients that a tree will be planted for each product purchased. This is a great move, adding to their reputation and goodwill.

9. Shipping confirmation emails

Customers eagerly await the arrival of their orders. Shipping confirmation emails address this by notifying recipients that their order is on its way.

These emails offer details like tracking information, expected delivery time, and order summary. Including contact information and return policy is also advisable in case customers need assistance.

Image via ReallyGoodEmails

This is one of the best ecommerce email examples for brands that value humor. Just check out the witty copy. Additionally, the email provides all the crucial details mentioned above.

10. Upsell/cross-sell emails

Upsell emails offer an opportunity to showcase products that align with your buyers’ past purchases. This is a prevalent strategy for boosting sales in ecommerce.

For instance, recommending a protective case makes sense if they’ve recently purchased a smartphone.

Image via ReallyGoodEmails

In this email, Dollar Shave Club addresses a customer whose order is ready to be shipped. It’s a straightforward message where the brand suggests additional products the customer may want to include in their shipment.

11. Thank you emails

Expressing gratitude is at the heart of thank-you emails. These messages go beyond mere transactional acknowledgments. They aim to genuinely appreciate customers for their engagement, purchases, or loyalty.

Examples encompass post-purchase thank-you messages, subscription notes, or milestone acknowledgments. These emails may also include exclusive offers or sneak peeks to enhance customer experience.

Here’s one of the best ecommerce thank-you email examples from Bathing Culture:

Image via ReallyGoodEmails

Bathing Culture’s thank-you email is visually appealing. Additionally, the brand strategically highlights positive reviews from major media publications. This expresses gratitude to customers and boosts credibility for its products.

12. Review emails

Receiving feedback from customers is invaluable for ecommerce growth. It sparks ideas for enhancing products and provides insights into what customers appreciate.

Feedback emails serve as a virtual suggestion box where individuals can provide input. You can request that they complete a brief survey or leave a review.

As a gesture of appreciation, companies often offer a freebie or a discount coupon.

Image via ReallyGoodEmails

DeFeet’s review email kicks off with a relatable copy, stating, “Life is full of questions.” This instantly draws the recipient in.

The brand then encourages individuals to take part in their survey. The incentive is a generous 20% coupon code.

13. Referral emails

It is no secret that word-of-mouth remains one of the most potent forms of email marketing. People trust recommendations from friends and family more than well-crafted marketing campaigns.

Referral emails often emphasize the benefits of sharing, such as exclusive discounts. To further enhance the incentive, you can offer perks for the referrer and the new customer.

Here’s an ecommerce email template to inspire your next referral email:

Image via ReallyGoodEmails

OffCourt engages its most loyal customers, urging them to refer a friend. To sweeten the deal, they offer a $10 reward for the referrer and a 20% discount for the referee.

14. Order dispatch emails

Order dispatch emails notify customers that the shipping process has been initiated.

While similar to shipping emails, the key distinction lies in the level of detail. Order dispatch emails may lack specific shipping information like tracking numbers.

Sending these emails is a great way to keep customers informed about their order status, especially when parcel delivery takes more than a few days.

Adding to our collection of ecommerce email examples is this one from MOO:

Image via ReallyGoodEmails

MOO sends straightforward order dispatch emails to its customers. It includes details such as the estimated delivery date, the option to download the payment receipt, and a link to check the order status.

15. Re-engagement emails

Re-engagement emails are messages sent to inactive or dormant subscribers. The goal is to revive their interest and encourage renewed interaction with a brand.

These emails may include exclusive offers or reminders of the value your products bring.

See how Joules engages with its inactive subscribers:

Image via Pinterest

The email entices subscribers to engage with the brand, creating curiosity with “Here’s a little something for you.” Recipients click the CTA to discover the offer, leading them to the website. 

When sending this kind of email, make sure that the email subject line stands out. Inactive subscribers typically don’t pay much attention to new emails from brands they’re no longer interested in. So, the subject line should be compelling enough to grab their attention.

16. New launch/collection emails

Loyal customers are likely to make repeat purchases, making new product launch emails effective for increasing sales. That said, extend new launch emails to even those who haven’t made a purchase yet.

These emails also create a direct line to your audience, making them feel part of an exciting unveiling. Including limited-time promotions or early access adds an extra layer of allure, encouraging swift engagement. 

Here’s a new arrivals email template you can take inspiration from:

Image via ReallyGoodEmails

Seven Sundays’ email uses vibrant colors and persuasive copy to spark curiosity. Recipients can even “Get more of the inside scoop” by sending an SMS or signing up.

Mixing email and SMS channels can be extremely beneficial for ecommerce businesses. This article covers how to do it effectively. 

17. Special offer emails

Surprising loyal customers with exclusive deals is a great strategy to refresh and captivate them.

Utilize special offer emails, particularly during festive seasons like Black Friday. This way, you can boost revenue with unique offers amid the email influx.

The meaning of “special” varies among brands and depends on your regular offerings. If, for instance, your usual practice involves providing discount coupons, consider changing things up by offering free shipping, or bundle discounts

The possibilities are vast, and it ultimately hinges on your objectives and creativity.

Observe how Spark Grills promotes a pre-order bundle in this ecommerce email example:

Image via ReallyGoodEmails

This offer allows customers to enjoy a savings of $150. The brand also creates a sense of urgency by stating that it’s a limited-time offer.

18. Customer appreciation emails

Email marketing serves a broader purpose beyond recovering abandoned carts or promoting products. Occasionally, express gratitude for your audience’s presence on your email list.

Share your appreciation using warm and personal language. Also, consider throwing in exclusive offers, discounts, or special perks. Alternatively, you can feature testimonials, or invite them to exclusive events for a personal touch.

Image via ReallyGoodEmails

As a small business, Wonder Valley cultivates genuinely personal connections with its customers. Take note of the personal and impactful language in this email. Moreover, it employs a single color and avoids distracting visuals.

19. VIP club emails

Our final mention in the list of ecommerce email examples is VIP club emails. These are meant to make the brand’s most loyal customers feel valued.

They may share details about exclusive offers, early access to sales, and other perks. This way, you not only foster a sense of belonging but also turn your loyal customers into brand advocates.

Explore how BaubleBar treats its VIP members to an exclusive 35% discount on all items:

Image via ReallyGoodEmails

Observe how the email explicitly states that this offer is exclusively for VIPs. The promotion is also time-sensitive, urging swift purchases.

Five best ecommerce email services

Image via Omnisend

Omnisend is the go-to for ecommerce entrepreneurs, offering a robust email marketing suite. Its free plan is very generous, and award-winning customer support is available 24/7.

Here are some of its standout features:

  • 250+ modern templates
  • Unique coupon codes
  • Intuitive email builder
  • 30+ pre-built automation workflows for most often ecommerce cases
  • Personalized segmentation based on customer lifecycle
  • Email+SMS marketing
Check out for a full Omnisend review.

Image via GetResponse

GetResponse is yet another noteworthy email marketing tool. While its interface may seem a bit dated, it comes packed with a variety of features.

Here are a few highlights:

  • 200+ email templates
  • All necessary email types
  • Comprehensive automation features
  • Conversion funnel software
  • Many ecommerce content blocks
Check out for a full GetResponse review.

Image via Klaviyo

Consider Klaviyo, particularly if you’re an advanced ecommerce user. While it may have a steeper learning curve, its features could make it worthwhile.

Here’s a glimpse of what it offers:

  • Beautiful email templates
  • Excellent segmentation and automation
  • Industry benchmarks to compare email performance
  • Product content blocks
  • Comprehensive reporting
Check out for a full Klaviyo review.

Image via Sendlane

Sendlane stands out as marketing software tailored for online retailers and ecommerce establishments. It caters to businesses with a substantial budget allocated for email marketing.

Here’s a look at some of its features:

  • Multiple layout options inside emails
  • Advanced automation
  • 50+ pre-built funnels
  • Profesional-looking email templates
  • Advanced email analytics
Check out for a full Sendlane review.

Image via Privy

Privy is an excellent fit if you’re searching for a tool to expand your subscriber list while crafting visually appealing emails. Privy offers a good free plan.

Here’s a sneak peek at its offerings:

  • Drag-and-drop email editor
  • Advanced features for signup forms
  • Multiple criteria for segmentation
  • Basic analytics tracking email engagement
Check out for a full Privy review.
Here are some waitlist email tips and tricks for your ecommerce store

Ecommerce email examples: Wrap up

Email campaigns play a crucial role in boosting your ecommerce business. They help increase sales, build customer relationships, and create a positive brand experience.

The real impact comes from deploying a mix of different email types at the right moments.

When you tune into your readers’ needs, ideas for email design and copy options will flow naturally. Hopefully, the 19 ecommerce email examples discussed in this article will be an inspirational source.

Over time, monitor the performance of your email campaigns. This will help you improve your strategy and guarantee consistently successful campaigns.

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